Hola! I'm Heather. Some call me "Hache," probably because I now reside in Baja California. I am a mom of three adults, an adventure seeker and excavator of what is asking to be acknowledged, discovered and shared. I am a closet science geek who became a nurse almost three decades ago, but my own emotional struggles led me to discover the lasting healing power of ancient practices.
Honoring my wild heart has led me to explore foreign lands, leading me to taste the best of what a high vibe life has to offer, and building a legacy for my family. I enjoy bringing folks together to laugh, heal, dance and explore AeroYoga.
If you can't find me, look towards the sea.
What I Do For You
As a spiritual healer and alignment specialist, I help seekers, like myself, transform areas of life that are causing confusion, discomfort and doubt with new insights, awareness and tools, to navigate with confidence and balance.
Please Join Us in Baja This Fall
Personal Healing Retreat
Spend four weeks under the supervision and personal guidance of a dualistic and holistic trained healthcare professional, now dedicated to your soul's ultimate human expression
This retreat is individually designed and co-created for your optimal Baja experience. Options for weekly adventures are provided.
Weekly assignments for independent study and down time.
Room and board additional, upon application approval.
Optional payment plan is available. So, please come join us in Baja!​